
Samepage for Windows

Samepage is a collaborative productivity platform that enables teams to work together effectively, communicate, and manage projects and tasks in a centralized location.

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The Samepage is a collaboration and communication platform that allows teams to work together and stay organized. It provides a centralized space where team members can create and manage tasks, share files, hold discussions, and collaborate in real-time.



  • Create cross-team comms channels; Co-author meeting agendas & notes; Plan and manage projects & task lists; Share ideas, files, & updates in real-time.
  • Coordinate appointment schedules; Securely store & organize patient records; Connect with patients via text, voice, & video.
  • Collaborate on sales strategies; Stream live updates from your CRM; Chat with existing and potential clients.
  • Share syllabi & assignment details online; Submit assignments, deliver grades, etc. Organize & manage group projects.
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July 15, 2023

No Changelog.

Samepage 1.0.46217
July 15, 2023
94.6 MB


Samepage 1.0.46217

for Windows

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