
Julia Language for Windows

Julia is a high-level, high-performance programming language specifically designed for technical and scientific computing.

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Julia is a programming language that was created to address the needs of technical and scientific computing. It aims to provide a high-level programming environment that is also highly performant. Julia was designed to be both expressive and efficient, making it suitable for a wide range of applications, including numerical analysis, machine learning, data science, and scientific research.



  • Data Visualization and Plotting
  • Build, Deploy or Embed Your Code
  • Interact with your Data
  • Scalable Machine Learning
  • Rich Ecosystem for Scientific Computing
  • Parallel and Heterogeneous Computing
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November 15, 2023 

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Julia Language 1.9.4
November 15, 2023
90.3 MB


Julia Language 1.9.4

for Windows

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